Fifty-four healthcare professionals countrywide have gained essential interpersonal and practical skills to enhance management and service delivery, after completing the Masters Certificate in Healthcare and Physician Leadership programme.

The cohort included 24 physicians and 30 healthcare practitioners who completed the nine-month course.

Launched in October 2022, this initiative was made possible through a strong partnership between Guyana and the Schulich School of Business and Executive Education at York University in Canada.

The initiative seeks to strengthen the capacity for training hospital leadership among healthcare professionals nationwide.

During the graduation ceremony at Pegasus Hotel in Georgetown, on Saturday evening, Minister of Health, Dr Frank Anthony encouraged graduates to continue transforming Guyana’s healthcare system and providing optimal medical support to the population.

“With the training that you have received, I hope that you will put it to good use, and use it for the betterment of the people of the country…We look forward to you upping your game at the ministry,” Dr Anthony said told the graduates. 

Guyana is aggressively building a world-class healthcare system with the construction of several modern regional hospitals, rehabilitation of health facilities and the provision of other crucial services. 

“We are all part of a journey where we are now working at a rapid pace to have everybody on board. We have to nudge them to do a little bit more…This is just the first part of the journey…In the Caribbean region, we are aiming to be one of the destinations for health tourism,” the health minister emphasised.

Meanwhile, the High Commissioner of Canada to Guyana, Sebastien Sigouin said his country is pleased to witness this partnership between the two countries towards a healthier and prosperous Guyana.

“Your participation in this programme also demonstrates that the Government of Guyana is committed to growing its health system management capacity…Having a strong healthcare system is the basis [for] any society to grow in a sustainable way,” Sigouin stated.